***** Редактировать файл - engine/modules/addcomments.php После $_SESSION['sec_code_session'] = 0; Добавить // Begin: cleantalk.ru require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/cleantalk/addcomments.php'; // End: cleantalk.ru Строки if( $is_logged ) $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments (post_id, user_id, date, autor, email, text, ip, is_register, approve) values ('$post_id', '$member_id[user_id]', '$time', '$name', '$mail', '$comments', '$_IP', '1', '$where_approve')" ); else $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments (post_id, date, autor, email, text, ip, is_register, approve) values ('$post_id', '$time', '$name', '$mail', '$comments', '$_IP', '0', '$where_approve')" ); Заменить на // Begin: cleantalk.ru require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/cleantalk/ct_functions.php'; list($ct_config, $ct_config_serialized) = ct_get_config($db); if ($ct_config['ct_enable_mod']) { if( $is_logged ) $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments (post_id, user_id, date, autor, email, text, ip, is_register, approve, ct_request_id) values ('$post_id', '$member_id[user_id]', '$time', '$name', '$mail', '$comments', '$_IP', '1', '$where_approve', '$ct_request_id')" ); else $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments (post_id, date, autor, email, text, ip, is_register, approve, ct_request_id) values ('$post_id', '$time', '$name', '$mail', '$comments', '$_IP', '0', '$where_approve', '$ct_request_id')" ); } else { if( $is_logged ) $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments (post_id, user_id, date, autor, email, text, ip, is_register, approve) values ('$post_id', '$member_id[user_id]', '$time', '$name', '$mail', '$comments', '$_IP', '1', '$where_approve')" ); else $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments (post_id, date, autor, email, text, ip, is_register, approve) values ('$post_id', '$time', '$name', '$mail', '$comments', '$_IP', '0', '$where_approve')" ); } // End: cleantalk.ru ***** Редактировать файл - engine/modules/register.php После $reg_error = check_reg( $name, $email, $password1, $password2, $sec_code, $sec_code_session ); Добавить // Begin: cleantalk.ru require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/cleantalk/register.php'; // End: cleantalk.ru После if( $doaction == "validating" AND !$stopregistration AND !$_POST['submit_val'] ) { Добавить // Begin: cleantalk.ru require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/cleantalk/register_validating.php'; // End: cleantalk.ru После $reg_error = check_reg( $name, $email, $regpassword, $regpassword ); Добавить // Begin: cleantalk.ru require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/cleantalk/register.php'; // End: cleantalk.ru После строки: Добавить: Перед строками $tpl->copy_template .= <<